Helping the community welcome people with intellectual
disabilities to live, work, and play as valued citizens!
disabilities to live, work, and play as valued citizens!
Ottawa, ON K1J 7T2
The LiveWorkPlay Blog - October 28, 2012
The LiveWorkPlay Blog - October 28, 2012
Coming Events

This year's LiveWorkPlay Festive Family Feast is Friday, December 7! Register now for a delicious meal and some casual social fun.
LiveWorkPlay New Year's Eve Dinner & Dance tickets are now available. Get your tickets now to avoid disappoinment!
Mark your calendar: Register Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) workshop and panel on estates and trusts planned for February 9. Details to come!
The United Way Ottawa campaign is now underway! Don't forget you can direct all or part of your donation to specific charities (including LiveWorkPlay) or to a particular priority like "Improve work opportunities for people with disabilities."
Until November 16, support the LiveWorkPlay video submission for the 25th anniversary of the Community Foundation of Ottawa!
Annual General Meeting 2012
The September 28th AGM (an annual event also known as the Welcome Back Family Feast) brought out 150 attendees on a Friday night for some business, food, and fun!
Chair of the Board Cecelia Taylor was master of ceremonies. The business portion of the evening included a financial report by co-leader Julie Kingstone and an operations report by Keenan Wellar. We thank auditor Ross Holmes for participating via video! There were few year-to-year financial changes with the exception of the impact of the new partnership with Families Matter Co-op (Ministry of Community and Social Services funding) and a one-time $15,000 donation that came through the Kiwanis Club of Ottawa.

Speaking of video, a highlight of the evening was the showing of the United Way Ottawa production about Jeremy Robin and his employer Vaughn McKinney of The Parliament Cleaning Group. First shown at a UW launch event with more than 1200 audience members, there was a similar enthusiastic reaction at the AGM, as you can see (Jeremy salutes the crowd, pictured below).
The operations report discussed the growth of the staff team (2 positions), ongoing success with volunteer recruitment (now more than 120), and efficiencies realized by the new office space and better use of technology.

A timely "Live" highlight was the announcement of 8 individuals involved with LiveWorkPlay and/or Families Matter Co-op moving to the new Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC) building at the Beaver Barracks site (please see story below).
"Work" highlights included the new summer employment program that resulted in five jobs in 2012, and the growing partnershis with Rotary clubs of the Ottawa area. And of course the key to success with employment is employers, including ongoing partners like MBNA Bank (now part of TD), The WORKS Gourmet Burger Bistro (several locations), Tim Hortons franchises, and new partners like Westin Ottawa, Arby’s, Dow Honda, Parliament Cleaning Group, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Outgoing board member Mitchell Leitman was recognized for his extensive 7 years of service, while newly elected were lawyer Marina Abrosimov (third from right) and speech pathologist Cyndi Harrison (far right). Those returning include (left to right) Cecelia Taylor, Al Mackey, Pennie Styan, Dan Patton, and Joshua Amiel. The board completed a brief first meeting following the AGM and has already met for their first full session of the year. Watch for board members at upcoming events and please introduce yourself!
Back From Buffalo!

Pictured right are Ryan, Alex, Chris J, Paul, Cooper, and John with volunteer Chris. Behind the camera were staff members Allison Moores and Grace Hudson.
Help Us Celebrate Community Foundation Of Ottawa

In the case of LiveWorkPlay, it's a 15 year relationship, so co-leader Keenan Wellar made a very personal (and hopefully amusing) tribute video.
Please help with the celebration by "liking" the video on YouTube and/or Facebook. With enough "likes" the video may be featured as part of a celebration event and there might be a profile story on CBC!
Making The Move
As mentioned in our AGM 2012 story, September-October saw LiveWorkPlay supporting many members to make moves to new apartments at Beaver Barracks. For most, this was not about their first apartment, it was more about their first apartment without a roommate. Many of our members' needs have evolved and they were ready to strike out on their own.
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Caroline explores her new Beaver Barracks balcony! |
Roommate scenarios can also be financially motivated, because Ottawa apartments are expensive. That is why working with independent non-profit housing provider Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation (CCOC) - which owns and operates Beaver Barracks - was critical to making many of these moves possible. Their inclusive model provides for different rental rates, including some units that are financially accessible to those who depend on the Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) housing allowance.
Moving to a brand new building usually means a lot of bumps along the way, but teamwork with members, family, and staff has been key to a relatively smooth transition. As people have settled in, and have quickly made connections to others in the building, and are getting involved in committees and social opportunities. Anthony Stratton and Daniel Harris, the lead staff members on supporting people in homes of their own, say they've noticed big changes. "It's always exciting to move somewhere new, but just like anyone else our members are really taking a lot of pride in setting up their own space" said Daniel.
Coffee Talk: Welcoming New Faces

Grace is now on maternity leave, after working furiously on a transfer of responsibilities that will be shared mainly between Volunteer Coordinator Fran Childs and newcomer Alex Darling (pictured left), who has accepted a contract position during Grace's absence.
September-October was definitely a challenge! LiveWorkPlay resources were stressed to the max in supporting so many of our members moving to new homes in the community (see story above) while at the same time managing several internal changes. The staff team extends a heartfelt thanks to all of our members and their family and other key supporters who helped us through these challenges by being understanding about many short-term inconveniences.
Golf Tournament Brings In The Green
It was another successful year for the annual golf tournament. Green fees and auction revenues were down slightly while sponsorship was up, with the result of about $13,000 of net proceeds. Jack Murphy was once again the volunteer champion for this event!

The "19th hole" was once again a great place to be, as about 130 guests gathered for a delicious meal in the Kanata Golf & Country Club dining hall to tell some tales of glory and discuss "the hole in one that got away." Dan Mooney from Rogers TV gave out awards and ran a brief but highly successful live auction.
Striking A Pose At The VOscars

The passion by and for LiveWorkPlay volunteers was well in evidence as the LiveWorkPlay table was given the unoffical prize of "most enthusiastic audience members" by event host David Gerow from CBC. Somewhat predictably, this announcement was met with raucous appaluse and even a few hoots and hollers from the "bee-button" crowd, which was a mix of LiveWorkPlay constituents included members, staff, directors, and volunteers. "I was really proud to be a part of earning that David Gerow award!" quipped staff member George Kranitis.
On The Road With Rotary, Working In Wisconsin

The trio presented on September 15 at the 2012 district conference, which was hosted by Rotary Brockville. Vaughn, Jen, and Ken shared a presentation about Rotary at Work ("It's good business!") and the employment of people with disabilities.
Just a few days later on September 19, LiveWorkPlay co-leader Keenan Wellar presented "Integrated Employment: Facing and Embracing the Opportunities and Challenges" to a state-wide conference in Wisconsin. Audience feedback frequently mentioned an appreciation for the manner in which the LiveWorkPlay approach to employment has evolved largely through critical self-evaluation, but also by seeking out the best practices of others.
While preparing for the conference with organizers, Keenan mentioned the importance of volunteers in supporting the inclusion of LiveWorkPlay members in the community, and soon had a second invitation! With help from Fran Childs he was able to quickly organize a well-received presentation about volunteer matching.
Duke of Edinburgh's Award

We congratulate Gage's Woodroffe HS teacher Jamie Hughson for assisting Gage and 4 of his peers to plan and track their goals on the way to achieving this award, which was presented on Wednesday at a ceremony presided by His Royal Highness The Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex. LiveWorkPlay has connected with Mr. Hughson over a shared interest in promoting citizenship for people with intellectual disabilities and we hope to do more with him and his students in future!
How Do You Like Us Now? A Lot!

In other news, we have upgraded our page to the new Facebook timeline format, and people really like it, as you can tell from this visual analysis! We are already back up to 490 fans! Shall we get that past 500?
LiveWorkPlay also recently celebrated three years on Twitter! Be sure to follow us @liveworkplay!
Reminder: Contact Information
Our office is near St. Laurent Shopping Centre at 301-1223 Michael
Street, K1J 7T2. Our number is 613-235-9550 which also gives you access to an employee directory. To avoid disappointment, please make an appointment before dropping by. The office is really just a hub for our staff to do their work in the community, so it is not always certain someone will be available to receive you, or we may already be in a meeting.
Donate To LiveWorkPlay
If you like what we are doing and you can afford a financial contribution, donate online and choose from a selection of options such as a one-time contribution or monthly donation. Just $10 a month is a great help! Don't forget you can also donate through the United Way Ottawa campaign.
Donate To LiveWorkPlay
If you like what we are doing and you can afford a financial contribution, donate online and choose from a selection of options such as a one-time contribution or monthly donation. Just $10 a month is a great help! Don't forget you can also donate through the United Way Ottawa campaign.
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