LiveWorkPlay is a Canadian charitable organization supporting people with intellectual disabilities to have a good life in the Ottawa area community. LiveWorkPlay is an affiliate of Community Living Ontario. You can subscribe to the LiveWorkPlay Blog using Networked Blogs. We also invite you to visit us on our Facebook Fan Page, follow us on Twitter @GetBuzzed, and check out our channel on YouTube.
This will be our last edition for 2010. Thank you for a great year! The next issue will be published in early February.
YOUR SUPPORT APPRECIATEDNEW YEAR'S EVE WITH LIVEWORKPLAYThis year's end of year party is quite exclusive with just 140 seats available. As of December 10, tickets were more than 50% sold. No wonder, with a reduced price of just $50 per person this year!
The party is priced as low as it can go - it is not a fundraiser, it;s all about community building with our members, volunteers, staff, and families!So sign up now for a great time at great prices and take advantage of earlybird pricing incentives!
GOT JOBS? FIND A GREAT EMPLOYEE!Paul Knoll is a LiveWorkPlay member who along with three colleagues was recognized for his long and productive career at CMHC with a Celebration of People Award on December 2. Paul made a great speech on the night of the award and also did an interview the following day on CBC Radio!
MBNA Canada Bank was a finalist in the employer category, recognizing their dedication to diversity and the employment of no less than eight LiveWorkPlay members!
MBNA was not chosen as the award recipient, but in the LiveWorkPlay community, but we know there is no stronger champion of people with intellectual disabilities in the workplace!
LiveWorkPlay helps match employers and people with intellectual disabilities for a great employment relationship. Click here for more information!
FANTASTIC FESTIVE FAMILY FEASTIt was a great turnout of 140 members, family, staff, volunteers, and special guests for the Festive Family Feast of December 10. The focus was on having a good time! There were a few fun announcements (including an animated dance competition) and about an hour of music with the talented Dave Milliken.
The Family Feast events just keep getting better!
We have the data to prove it, thanks to our onsite polling and volunteer Lindsey's efforts to tabulate them. About 2/3 of those in attendance reported having a GREAT time, with almost 100% reporting at least a GOOD time. 60% of those in attendance said they got to know somebody new. There was also some interesting feedback in the comments section. It's all public information!
A COMMUNITY WHERE EACH BELONGSIt was an amazing Saturday morning and afternoon with Al Condeluci on November 20. A world leader in espousing the benefits of a non-systems approach to supporting a good life for people with intellectual disabilities, Al helped generate ideas, excitement, and commitment to making o
ur community a more inclusive place to be (see video). The event drew broad community representation, with participants that came from across Ontario. A special shout out to our guests from Pembroke and Durham North!
Condeluci's presentation was part of a two-day conference available to self-advocates. This got underway on Friday with an event featuring Kory Earle, President of People First of Ontario and Richard Ruston, President of People First of Canada. Richard was surprised with a Champion of Freedom award (see video) as part of the evening's proceedings.
This event was intended to launch a new People First of Ottawa chapter, but it was not known if there would be any interest from delegates. The election of three inaugural board members drew many nominations and resulted in some stiff competition! In the end Josee Boulanger was elected President, Jennifer Harris was elelcted Secretary/Treasurer, and Emily Menard is Vice-President. Jennifer and Emily are LiveWorkPlay members who know each other and they've been getting to know Josee, having already taken part in their first board meeting on December 10!
VOLUNTEER SUPPORT CHANGING LIVESLiveWorkPlay provides direct support to people with intellectual disabilities but the most important work we do is helping make connections in
the community. That is made possible by our 100+ (and growing) volunteer corps!
Our volunteers find us (and we find them) in many different ways. This includes checking out the frequently updated opportunities listed with Volunteer Ottawa, or through special events like Timeraiser or volunteer fairs.
Volunteer opportunities are varied and many at LiveWorkPlay. One of the more traditional means of getting involved is supporting youth members to get out and enjoy the community on Friday nights!
Check out this video for some fun footage of a recent social outing.
It was a very busy fall for the LiveWorkPlay Board of Directors. In
addition to the normal rigors of their role, they enjoyed special consultations with Dave Hinsgburger and Al Condeluci.
With the retirement of Wendy Mitchell from the board in September, one of the first tasks following the AGM was to elect new leadership. LiveWorkPlay is proud to announce Marlene Floyd as the new Chair of the Board (read professional bio), and Cecelia Taylor as Vice-Chair (pictured right, next to Marlene on photo insert).
In our second story "Got Jobs? Find A Great Employee!" member Paul Knoll's interview on CBC was already mentioned, but it bears repeating: he was excellent! Also a guest this past month on CBC Ottawa Morning was co-leader Kee
nan Wellar, who was discussing the role of social media and non-profit organizations.
Keenan and Fran Childs will be co-presenting a Social Media for Social Change workshop hosted by Volunteer Ottawa at the C3 Centre on January 11. Click here for details!
If you would like to make a donation to LiveWorkPlay, please click here to donate online or use our new PDF donation form which now has options for credit card and pre-authorized withdrawals. You may also specify how you would like your donation to be used.
You can always contribute through the United Way. Download a United Way donation form that already has the LiveWorkPlay information included. The United Way has in the past supported LiveWorkPlay youth services, and may support other LiveWorkPlay initiatives in the future.
We hope you have enjoyed this 48th edition of LiveWorkPlayNews. If you have received an email about this blog in error and/or you would prefer not to receive future LiveWorkPlayNews messages, simply click here and follow the simple instructions. Click here for the web page that can be used by newcomers who would like to join LiveWorkPlayNews. Feel free to share the address with friends, colleagues, and family who might like to subscribe. Send story ideas to Keenan Wellar.
LiveWorkPlay is a Canadian charitable organization supporting people with intellectual disabilities to have a good life in the Ottawa area community. LiveWorkPlay is an affiliate of Community Living Ontario. You can subscribe to the LiveWorkPlay Blog using Networked Blogs. We also invite you to visit us on our Facebook Fan Page, follow us on Twitter @GetBuzzed, and check out our channel on Youtube.
The excitement of November events will soon be over (see below) which means December is just around the corner! Sign up now for the December 10 Festive Family Feast and the LiveWorkPlay New Year's Eve Dinner & Dance!
Both events include meals and are priced as low as they can go - these are not fundraisers, these events are all about community building w
ith our members, volunteers, staff, and families!So sign up now for a great time at great prices and take advantage of earlybird pricing incentives!
LAST CHANCE FOR AL CONDELUCI NOV 20Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity, register now! LiveWorkPlay is bringing one of the world's top social capital researchers, presenters, and authors to Ottawa. Al Condeluci (PhD) will be here on Saturday, November 20, from 9-3 to talk about social capital and people with intellectual disabilities.
Condeluci's presentation on Saturday 9-3 is for everyone (parents, workers, self-advocates, and others).
Built around the Condeluci presentation are opportunities for self-advocates (youth and adults with intellectual disabilities) to network and learn about People First. People First is an important movement by and for people with intellectual disabilities. There is a dinner and social forum on Friday night for self-advocates only.
More information and all of the registration options are at: and the registration deadline is closing fast: November 15!
PEOPLE FIRST ONTARIO CONFERENCEThe People First of Ontario annual conference in Toronto presented a unique opportunity for four delegates supported by LiveWorkPlay to participate in what turned out to be one of the biggest events of its kind in som
e years, with sold out attendance of 160!
Jennifer Harris, Caroline Matte, Cooper Gage, and Moira Fuenzalida (pictured with People First legend Peter Park) participated actively in all aspects of the conference, including the election of board members and regional representatives.
This included a very active campaign for Eastern Regional representive. Nobody could quite remember the last time a delegate from Ottawa had been elected to this position, but that changed when Josee Varin
came out on top after a highly contested election with great speeches from passionate candidates. You can see how Cooper, Jennifer, Caroline, and Moira felt about the results by watching the video!
There were many serious issues discussed at the conference, from the picketing of people's homes during strikes to restitution for survivors of Ontario's mass institutions.
FROM VOTER BOOTH TO OUT ON THE TOWNThe citizens of Ottawa will electe their Mayor and 23 members of City Council on October 25! Sorting through it all can be difficult, and LiveWorkPlay once again helped its interested members prepare t
o exercise their democratic rights and participate in the election by making informed choices.An election preparation evening was hosted at the C3 Centre on October 21. Those in attendance were supported to review two mayoral television debates and discuss key issues such as public transportation and affordable housing.
October was also a fun-filled month for youth and adult members alike!
It's hard to keep up with all that youth members got up to, but based on the available photos and videos, it would certainly seem that a visit to Fun Junction was a highlight!
While youth members are supported to enjoy weekly pre-planned outings every Friday, adult members get support to do their own planning to organize and host social gatherings.
Ryan Nevitt recently hosted an evening at Buster's, and as the photos clearly show, it was a night filled with bigtime smiles and laughs!
It was another busy month in the news! This included not only coverage of LiveWorkPlay, but also offering support to partner organizations such as the United Way of Ottawa and the C3 Centre.
What started out as a story about the United Way Community Builder Award turned into a much bigger feature in the New Edinburgh News with detailed story about LiveWorkPlay and its co-leaders.
Word is getting out about the C3 Centre (new home to LiveWorkPlay!) with one of the most recent examples bei
ng an interview on CFRA that helps explain what this new partnership is all about.
The longstanding LiveWorkPlay connection with Concordia University professor Ann Davidson resulted in yet another interesting opportunity for a LiveWorkPlay member. Caroline Matte's artwork has graced the cover of the Journal on Developmental Disabilities (JoDD) and it sure looks great.
It's not news yet, but we sure hope it will be: LiveWorkPlay has nominated MBNA Canada Bank for a Celebration of People award in recognition of the longstanding partnership for the competitive employment of people with intellectual disabilities!
The awards dinner is on December 2. If you are interested in attending and being seated with MBNA and LiveWorkPlay supporters, get in touch with Keenan asap! One table has been purchased for parents of LiveWorkPlay members who are employed at MBNA (click here to order tickets) but the more the merrier, just get in touch so additional tables can be organized if necessary.
WHISTLER REPORT: MOVING MOUNTAINSThe Moving Mountains conference October 22-24 was presented by Family Focus Society, the BC Association for Community Living (BCACL) and the Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL).
LiveWorkPlay co-leaders Julie Kingstone and Keenan Wellar were in attendance, and had a wonderful experience.
Some of the most inspiring presenters included John Lord (pictured) and David Wetherow, both of whom in their own way told important stories about embracing what communities have to offer, and breaking the addiction to focusing only on what systems have to offer. Lord also hosted the closing plenary with Audrey Cole, Jessica Humphrey, and Aimee Morry three mothers who shared hopeful messages about supporting their children to enjoy a good life.
Keenan was himself invited to present at the conference, and his Social Media for Social Change workshop drew a sold out audience of more than 100. The session was very well received, resulting in some impromptu testimonials (see video) with many connections made that will hopefully continue for many years to come. Next year's conference is in Halifax!
If you would like to make a donation to LiveWorkPlay, please click here to donate online or use our new PDF donation form which now has options for credit card and pre-authorized withdrawals. You may also specify how you would like your donation to be used.
It is United Way Ottawa/Centraide campaign season and this is a great time to contribute to LiveWorkPlay and any other charities that you support. You can download a United Way donation form that already has the LiveWorkPlay information included. The United Way supports LiveWorkPlay youth services!
We hope you have enjoyed this 34th edition of LiveWorkPlayNews. If you have received an email about this blog in error and/or you would prefer not to receive future LiveWorkPlayNews messages, simply click here and follow the simple instructions. Click here for the web page that can be used by newcomers who would like to join LiveWorkPlayNews. Feel free to share the address with friends, colleagues, and family who might like to subscribe. Send story ideas to Keenan Wellar.
LiveWorkPlay is a Canadian charitable organization supporting people with intellectual disabilities to have a good life in the Ottawa area community. LiveWorkPlay is an affiliate of Community Living Ontario. You can subscribe to the LiveWorkPlay Blog using Networked Blogs. We also invite you to visit us on our Facebook Fan Page, follow us on Twitter @GetBuzzed, and check out our channel on Youtube.IN THIS ISSUE...
YOUR SUPPORT APPRECIATEDJOIN US FOR C3 CENTRE OPEN HOUSEThe move is done! LiveWorkPlay is now located at the C3 Centre, 1155 Lola Street, Suite 201. The staff are settling in and getting to know their partners at Accessibility with Moxie, Volunteer Ottawa, ICAfrica Leadership Ottawa, Social Planning Council of Ottawa, Ottawa Chamber of Vol
untary Organizations, and the United Way of Ottawa. That is the list of capacity-building organizations (so far!) that have co-located to Connect, Collaborate, and Create!The C3 Centre Open House and Grand Opening on September 15 was a huge success. LiveWorkPlay co-leader Keenan Wellar helped out the day before with an interview on Rogers Daytime 22 and also wrote a guest blog that was very well received by readers and generated lots of discussion on Twitter.
The launch event itself was packed, and by the time of the ribbon-cutting, the crowd has stretched out of the training centre and down the hall! Check out the event photo album, you will see lots of LiveWorkPlay members in the pictures!
PEOPLE FIRST & AL CONDELUCI NOV 19-20LiveWorkPlay is pleased to be partnering with People First of Ontario to host a combined People First in Ottawa conference and Social Capital workshop with Dr. Al Condeluci. The two-day People First conference
starts at 5pm on Friday and finishes up with social time on Saturday night. People First is for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, promoting equality, speaking up, making decisions, and teaching the community about rights and abilities. Condeluci's session (open to the public) is on Saturday from 9am to 3pm.
Self-advocates can register for the entire two days of the People First of Ottawa conference for just $75 (includes 3 meals). The session with Dr. Condeluci is open for registration by the general public at a cost of just $25 (includes lunch). Details (including hotel options for out of town guests) are available via the registration links above.
PREPARING TO ELECT MAYOR AND COUNCILThe citizens of Ottawa will elect their Mayor and 23 members of City Council on October 25! Sorting through it all can be difficult, and LiveWorkPlay is once again helping its members prepare to exercise
their democratic rights and participate in the election by making informed choices.
In addition to supporting members to attend the live event at the Bronson Centre on October 7, LiveWorkPlay staff are hosting a special election preparation evening at the C3 Centre on October 21. Contact Grace Hudson to RSVP! The evening will include reviews of two mayoral television debates and discussion of key issues.
For those who can't make it the LiveWorkPlay election page on Facebook has all sorts of links and information, and you can also post questions and get answers from LiveWorkPlay staff, volunteers, and other members!
The LiveWorkPlay Board of Directors are committed to supporting a better quality of life for people with intellectual disabilities. This means always challenging themselves to develop forward-thinking policies and practices.
Dave Hingsburger is a Canadian Disability Hall of Fame inductee, the author of many excellent books and videos (find them in the LiveWorkPlay library!), and a renowned international speaker. He first visited LiveWorkPlay in 2004, where he spent time with all LiveWorkPlay constituents to improve our collective understanding of quality to life barriers and what we can do to help reduce and remove them.
This time around the Board of Directors wanted time to listen and ask questions on a variety of specific topics. This is not a type of service Dave has provided very often, but with some convincing from co-leader Julie Kingstone, he agreed to do it! It was a wonderful and challenging two days full of wisdom, humour, and moments of sadness as the board considered some of the harsh realities
facing people with intellectual disabilities and their families. But they were also reminded about what LiveWorkPlay is here for: to bring about social change and make this community and the world a better place for people with intellectual disabilities to have homes, jobs, and loving relationships.
In humourous fashion, Dave paid the board a strong compliment after they responded to one of his questions: "Oh, of course you know that. I keep forgetting this is an unusual board of directors." If you feel that you missed out, fear not, we are bringing Dave back! You can see him at one of two workshops on March 4 or March 5.
LiveWorkPlay has never before been so active in learning from and communicating with others! On September 23 Board Member Tamara Gomes and CEO Keenan Wellar represented LiveWorkPlay at #GenYOTT 6: Back to Business! On
September 28 it was off to Concordia University to present to the Social Computing course of Professor Ann Louise Davidson, well known to many of our readers for her many papers and research projects conducted with and about LiveWorkPlay members.
October will be a busy time too! LiveWorkPlay members Moira Fuenzalida, Cooper Gage, Caroline Matte, and Jennifer Harris are on their way to the People First of Ontario Annual Conference in Toronto, October 15-17. Stay tuned for a full report in the next edition! Julie Kingstone is on her way to the BC/Canadian Association for Community Living 2010 National Family Conference October 22-24, in Whistler, BC. Keenan will also be there, presenting "Social Media for Social Change" as part of the conference program. Keenan and Julie will also take part in “Real Homes: A social policy forum on eliminating barriers to people who have intellectual
disabilities having homes of their own” presented by Community Living Ontario, Ryerson University School of Social Work and Ryerson University School of Disability Studies on October 29-30.
The United Way campaign is in full swing! See if you can spot someone from the LiveWorkPlay community in their campaign video! Felice Miranda (parent and long-time LiveWorkPlay supporter) is in demand as a member of the United Way Ottawa Speakers Bureau. Volunteer Coordinator Fran Childs is teaming up with LiveWorkPlay members at United Way "charity fair" events at various Government of Canada location with Heather Wynn (pictured with Fran), Cooper Gage, and Moira Fuendzalida
Manager of Mental Health Supports Allison Moores enjoyed Making Action Plans (MAPS) and Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH) training with Jack Pierpoint and Lynda Kahn from Inclusion Press. Both are graphic faciliation tools that can be used in person centered planning. LiveWorkPlay has been doing person centered planning for many years but we are always looking to improve!
The longstanding relationship with the Carleton University Department of Social Work continues with Carolyn St-Amour, the latest placement student at LiveWorkPlay. Carolyn is completing her BSW at Carleton. She is in her third year and this is her first placement!
Carolyn is from Ottawa in addition to completing her BSW she also works 2 jobs. Part of her interst in doing a placement with LiveWorkPlay came from her experience of volunteering with students with intellectual disabilities in a local high school. Welcome, Carolyn!
If you would like to make a donation to LiveWorkPlay, please click here to donate online or use our new PDF donation form, which now has options for credit card and pre-authorized withdrawals. You may also specify how you would like your donation to be used.
We hope you have enjoyed this 46th edition of the LiveWorkPlay Blog. If you have received an email about this blog in error and/or you would prefer not to receive future LiveWorkPlay blog messages, simply click here and follow the simple instructions. Click here for the web page that can be used by newcomers who would like to receive LiveWorkPlay Blog email notifications. You can also subscribe using Networked Blogs. Please invite your friends, colleagues, and family members to subscribe. Send story ideas to Keenan Wellar
LiveWorkPlay is a Canadian charitable organization supporting people with intellectual disabilities to have a good life in the Ottawa area community. LiveWorkPlay is an affiliate of Community Living Ontario. You can subscribe to the LiveWorkPlay Blog using Networked Blogs. We also invite you to visit us on our Facebook Fan Page, follow us on Twitter @GetBuzzed, and check out our channel on Youtube.IN THIS ISSUE...
THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!WELCOME BACK FAMILY FEAST & AGMThis is an abbreviated report on what was without a doubt the best Annual General Meeting in our 15 year history with over 200 enthusiastic supporters in attendance! You can can photos and videos of this event from our Facebook page (no account required).

Special guests inluded Noreene Adam from Community Living Ontario, who was also a guest speaker. There was a delegation of three representing Mills Community Support, who took it upon themselves to investigate all that is happening at LiveWorkPlay with respect to developing social capital for people with intellectual disabilities.
There were many other new faces in the room, including members who have just joined, as well as their family and friends. Everyone came together over a delicious meal, and it all got done in a little more than two hours, although many decided to stay after and continue socializing!

It was also time to formally say goodbye to Wendy Mitchell, who is retiring from the Board of Directors. Wendy has served as Chair for 5 years, but has been a volunteer for more than 10 years, and she will continue to be a strong LiveWorkPlay suppoter. Her board colleague Cecelia Taylor paid a moving tribute to Wendy in explaining what she has brought and will continue to bring to the organization.GOLF TOURNAMENT DELIVERS GREENSome cheques are still rolling in, but it looks like the August 31 golf tournament presented by Marcomm at Greyhawk golf course will bring in close to $20,000 for LiveWorkPlay! Jack Murphy was once again lead fundraiser and recruiter for the event. A great job as always!

The money raised is important, but this event is also a great networking and awareness opportunity, with more than 144 golfers on hand, and very few of those being directly connected to the organization through a family member. This means people from all walks of life having the opportunity to learn about the organization and its work, which can open all sorts of doors, ranging from employment opportunities for our members to the recruitment of new volunteers.

A complete list of event sponsors is available here along with photos and a video showing some of the live action from the brief live auction at the banquet. Board Member Pennie Styan donate a week at her hacienda in Costa Rica that brough in $1200, top bid for the evening!
Special thanks to our MC Dan Mooney, and to our event volunteers Clem Chan, Jenny Dobson, Ivan Harris, Ian Murphy, Warren Murphy, and Ivan Harris. It was a long hot day out there and you were always smiling. JOIN US FOR C3 CENTRE OPEN HOUSEThe move is done! LiveWorkPlay is now located at the C3 Centre, 1155 Lola Street, Suite 201. The staff are settling in and getting to know their neighbours at Accessibility with Moxie, Volunteer Ottawa, Leadership Ottawa, Social Planning Council of Ottawa, Ottawa Chamber of Vo
luntary Organizations, and the United Way of Ottawa to name just some of the capacity-building organizations that have co-located to Connect, Collaborate, and Create!
There will be an Open House and Grand Opening on September 15. Drop by anytime between 1pm and 8pm for a tour. The official ribbon-cutting is at 4pm with many special guests. Click here for more information.
PEOPLE FIRST & AL CONDELUCILiveWorkPlay is pleased to be partnering with People First of Ontarion to host a combined People First of Ottawa conference and Social Capital workshop with Dr. Al Condeluci. The two-day People First conference
starts at 5pm on Friday and finishes up with a dinner and dance on Saturday. Condeluci's session (open to the public) is on Saturday from 9am to 3pm.
Self-advocates can register for the entire two days of the People First of Ottawa conference for just $75 (includes 3 meals). The session with Dr. Condeluci is open for registration by the general public at a cost of just $25 (includes lunch). Details (including hotel options for out of town guests) are available via the registration links above.A LONG, HOT, FUN, PRODUCTIVE SUMMER!Summer fun continued in August, with Constance Hudak and David Keay hosting yet another cottage getaway! Some members and voluntee
rs also got together to get their groove on at the Ottawa Reggae Festival.
It wasn't all play and no work of course. For example, member Caroline Matte started a new job at Tim Hortons, and the Board of Directors concluded their last meeting of the year.
For member Amanda Manuel, this summer will be remembered for saving the life of her Uncle Jack, who had a heart attack while spending time with Amanda. Amanda called 911 and had to apply her assertiveness training to convince paramedics of the seriousness of the situation. Click here to the list of those offering congratulations! YOUR SUPPORT APPRECIATED
If you would like to make a donation to LiveWorkPlay, please click here to donate online or use our new PDF donation form, which now has options for credit card and pre-authorized withdrawals. You may also specify how you would like your donation to be used.
We hope you have enjoyed this 45th edition of the LiveWorkPlay Blog. If you have received an email about this blog in error and/or you would prefer not to receive future LiveWorkPlay blog messages, simply click here and follow the simple instructions. Click here for the web page that can be used by newcomers who would like to receive LiveWorkPlay Blog email notifications. You can also subscribe using Networked Blogs. Please invite your friends, colleagues, and family members to subscribe. Send story ideas to Keenan Wellar
LiveWorkPlay is a Canadian charitable organization supporting people with intellectual disabilities to have a good life in the Ottawa area community. LiveWorkPlay is an affiliate of Community Living Ontario. You can subscribe to the LiveWorkPlay Blog using Networked Blogs. We also invite you to visit us on our Facebook Fan Page, follow us on Twitter @GetBuzzed, and check out our channel on Youtube.IN THIS ISSUE...
EMPLOYMENT NEWS: WE'RE WORKING ON IT!THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORTREMEMBERING BARBARA BECKETTBarbara Beckett and her family members have been fixtures at LiveWorkPlay events for the past decade, ever since her son Chris Jones started out as a youth member back in the late 90s. Please click here to view her complete obituary.
Barb passed away peacefully on July 2 at the Ottawa General Hospital. At her memorial service on July 17 hundreds of friends, family, and colleagues listened, laughed, and cried remembering her many relationships and passions, ranging from science to athletics. Her passing has inspired many family members to have important conversations with LiveWorkPlay about the future, and this in turn influenced discussions at the recent staff retreat (see story below).
GOLF TOURNAMENT AUGUST 31!It's time to get your team together for a favourite LiveWorkPlay tradition, the annual golf tournament at Clublink Greyhawk! Spearheaded
once again by Jack Murphy, a goal for this year is to increase event sponsorships. But none of that will matter if we don't have golfers, so please don't delay, register today (online or hard copy).
The registration is very simple this year, $150 per person and no fussing around! You will receive 18 holes of golf, power cart, and a delicious banquet dinner with a chance to win one of many fabulous prizes. August 31 will come up quickly, so please get your team together and sign up as soon as you can.
YOUTH MEMBERS RETURN FROM BIG APPLEOh what a night! Or should we say three nights? It was the first ever LiveWorkPlay youth member trip to the United States, so why not New York City? 13 youth were supported by 3 staff members to enjoy broadway shows, tours by land and water, shopping, and more!
Travelling by subway offered very efficient transportation from the HI New York Hostel to Times Square, the area where the group spent most of their time. They explored the Top of the Rock (a great way to view the city from the top of Rockefeller Centre), saw two Broadway shows (Jersey Boys and Rock of Ages), and shopped the M&M store!
One of the biggest challenges of the trip was learning not to be too polite - it is impossible to get on the subway if you don't push your way in! After a few days of practice, everyone was on and off like a pro.
There was also lots of great eats, everything from street vendor hot dogs to some fine dining. Ellen's Stardust Diner did not disappoint with the amazing singing servers! The The service and food at Trattoria Trecolori was unbelievably good, and received a unanimous two-thumbs up!
You can see photos from each day of the trip or enjoy a fun video montage of the entire journey where you will get everyone's answer to the question "What did you like best?"
It was a very active July for our adult members and the LiveWorkPlay volunteer team. There was a good mix of both out to enjoy Bluesfest and Great Big Sea!

Chris Jones enjoyed a housewarming party. His new place has a back yard pool that made for lots of great summer fun. David Keay and Constance Hudak opened their cottage to LiveWorkPlay again this year, and it was another beautiful day for BBQ and a swim!
The volunteer team has continued to grow over the summer, and new matches have meant that LiveWorkPlay members are exploring all sorts of hobbies and activites with someone else who shares the same interests. For whatever reason, July has seen a flood of interest in people wanting to share fitness activities!
For more about the volunteer team (including the 100 volutneers in 6 minutes video tribute) visit the volunteer page on the LiveWorkPlay website.
It's not an internet hoax! You may have heard on Twitter from
@GetBuzzed that the LiveWorkPlay bee is roaring down racetracks across Ontario, and it's true! The #58 Honda Civic of Andrew Bearss is adorned with a beautiful LiveWorkPlay logo on the hood, and he's leading in the GT-4 challenge series!
Through Dow Honda, Andrew is an employment partner who offered on his own initiative to promote LiveWorkPlay on his race car. He has had all sorts of people coming up to ask about LiveWorkPlay and generated all sorts of new traffic to our website!
This year's three-day staff retreat featured the biggest team ever. They shared a cabin in Chelsea and worked day and night, stopping only for meals and a foosball tournament.
On the first day the staff reviewed positions of the Canadian Association for Community Living, Community Living Otnario, and People First of Canada about employment, housing, decision-making, and income security.
On day two they reviewed and discussed information from Al Condeluci, Dave Hingsburger, and other resources about how to build capacity, and how a system that has a focus on "difference" creates and supports barriers to inclusion. What is needed is a focus on commonalities, which promotes the building of professional and social networks that all citizens require to be successful in their community.
Much of the discussion hinged on the "R Word" - yes, RECIPROCITY! Far too many people with intellectual disabilities live in isolation or with networks that are limited to a few family members (or none at all) and people who are paid to be a part of their lives. This makes it difficult to realize many life goals. Everything from employment to friendships requires the
understanding and enjoyment of reciprocity: "Mutual dependence, action, and influence."
Day three was all about figuring out how LiveWorkPlay can continue to progress in breaking down barriers, building a more inclusive community, and promoting reciprocal relationships. A tentative schedule for the year was also created, and it will be released at the Welcome Back Family Feast on September 2. Of special note, LiveWorkPlay will be hosting Dr. Al Condeluci on Saturday, November 20 for a workshop on capacity-building for people with intellectual disabilities. Don't miss it!
LiveWorkPlay congratulates Dr. Gordon Porter on being named to the Order of Canada. Dr. Porter has been a stalwart supporter of inclusive
education in New Brunswick and is recognized internationally for his work. He has consulted and taught on inclusive education in over a dozen countries in addition to Canada and the United States.
“This is such a well-deserved honour, recognizing Dr. Porter’s local-to-global leadership for inclusive education - from its earliest beginnings to its recognition as a right in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities,” says Michael Bach, executive vice president of the Canadian Association for Community Living.
Although he has not yet been recognized with his own Order of Canada, Dr. Dick Sobsey is certainly deserving. A renowned author, academic, and activist, Dr. Sobsey recently announced his retirement. His research and teaching interests have included the relationship between violence and disabi
lity, the changes in families that occur as a result of having a child with a significant disability (focusing on positive changes), ethical and human right issues, and identifying best practices in community and educational inclusion for children with disabilities.
Closer to home, it's now official, LiveWorkPlay Board Member Dan Patton is now Constable Dan Patton. Dan recently completed his training and is now a member of the Ottawa Police, proving that age 40 is not too late for making a childhood dream a reality!
There was lots of good news in July. Many members got great reviews from their employers, expanded their hours, and in some cases, got a new job!

As one example, we congratulate Ryan Nevitt (right) on his new position at Home Depot. He completed the interview process, did the training, and got the job!
LiveWorkPlay is always working on relationships with employers, and some exciting news about a development with one ouf our existing partners is expected in August.
If you would like to make a donation to LiveWorkPlay, please click here to donate online or use our new PDF donation form, which now has options for credit card and pre-authorized withdrawals. You may also specify how you would like your donation to be used.
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