The project began back in October with discussions about a follow-up to two previous self-advocacy group video productions, ODSP & ME and SELF-ADVOCACY & ME. This time the focus would be more about what the public needs to learn, and less about what people with intellectual disabilities need to learn.
But we don't want to give away the plot before you have a chance to see it yourself. If all goes well, there will be a broadcast launch in June. But for now you can get a sneak peak at the making of our public service message "Maybe One Day." This project was financed in part by a grant from the Community Foundation of Ottawa.
LiveWorkPlay is a proud member of the Heartwood House community for a variety of reasons, including access to challenging and rewarding volunteer positions. This includes being part of the huge team of volunteers drawn from all 15 Heartwoo
d House organizations that participate in supporting the twice-a-year OC Transpo Unclaimed Items Sale.
The spring sale took place on May 3, and CTV Ottawa featured a story about the sale that included interviews with SMILE participants. Volunteers from LiveWorkPlay are also part of the daily team that serves the public at the lost and found, returning everything from bus passes to musical instruments to anxious and grateful members of the public.
The fourth annual Roger Dodger volleyball tournament for LiveWorkPlay is hosted by the Albert family June 6-8 at the Perth Tent and Trailer Park. The
re is lots to do for fans and players alike, and supporters are welcome to attend all or part of the festivities. Contact Ron Albert for more information! If you can't make it to the event itself, you can make a donation through Sarah Albert's giving page. Part of the fun includes food and gear, such as hats and t-shirts. This year the meal and gear will be more than just souvenirs, thanks to sponsorship support from Daquin and Paul Villeneuve from Giant Tiger. IMPORTANT NEW LEGISLATION ANNOUNCED
This new legislation has the potential to support many changes that LiveWorkPlay and its constituents have been requesting for many years, including increased flexibility and fairness regarding the manner in which government funds are distributed to agencies, individuals, and families.
The challenge from here is to ensure that the process of these transformations brings the intended result of a better life for people with intellectual disabiltiies.
Journeys and ACES are innovative LiveWorkPlay programs that serve youth with intellectual disabilities from age 13 to a maximum of age 21. In addition to the immediate benefits of developing new friendships and essential skills for community living, these companion programs also provide an opportunity for LiveWorkPlay to develop relationships with families.
There are significant barriers to successful transitions from life in high school to life in the community, and that very issue was one of the motivations that gave birth to the entire LiveWorkPlay organization. By starting this process during the high school years and offering insights learned from more than a decade of supporting adults with intellectual disabilities, LiveWorkPlay can offer Journeys families planning assistance that is difficult to find elsewhere.Journeys participants recently had a blast with a special workshop hosted by Lara Vaarre of Truffle Treasures. The group made waffle bowls and gelato as well as chocolate dipped strawberries! Please don't call up Truffle Treasures looking for your own workshop, the time-demanding activity is a special treat that Lara offers exclusively to LiveWorkPlay! REGISTER: VISIONING DAY/POOL PARTY/BANQUET
June 21 is the annual LiveWorkPlay Visioning Day and Pool Party - a full Saturday of learning, sharing, eating, and fun! Advance registration is required.Visioning Day will be held at the Hampton Inn Ottawa at 9:00am sharp. For those who are intersted, we'll leave from there for a BBQ feast at the pool party, which will once again be hosted by the Harris family. These are both free events - but Visioning Day is a pre-requisite for attending the pool party! First we work, then we party!
The annual Engines of Success Recognition Banquet will also be held at the Hampton Inn Ottawa. This is an important night for recognizing our dedicated volunteers, celebrating the achievements of Journeys and SMILE participants, and thanking partners, funders, and sponsors. The banquet doesn't work without a big enthusiastic audience, so register today for a delicious meal and great entertainment. Along with lively recognition ceremonies we'll also have image and video presentations, and probably manage to dig up a blooper or two!
After reading this blog you may find yourself wondering how it is possible that so much can be happening with a small organization like LiveWorkPlay. It takes a combination of dedicated volunteers, staff, board members, families, and community
partners to make it happen. And it also takes money, of which there is simply never enough. LiveWorkPlay has a very short list of personal donors, but you can help change that! Making a donation has never been easier - it can be done as a single contribution, or better still via a monthly deduction. Just $8.33 per month results in a donation of $100 a year! You can also donate to LiveWorkPlay in the name of another person as a tribute or as a gift. Please visit our donation page to set up your contribution today! NEW! LiveWorkPlay is now registered as a Cause on Facebook. Click here to show your support for LiveWorkPlay or to make a contribution. We hope you have enjoyed this 19th edition of LiveWorkPlayNews. If you have received an email about this blog in error and/or you would prefer not to receive future LiveWorkPlayNews messages, simply click here and follow the simple instructions. That same web page can also be used by newcomers who would like to join LiveWorkPlayNews, so feel free to share the address with friends, colleagues, and family who might like to subscribe.