The LiveWorkPlay Showcase Trivia Family Fun Night was held tonight with 60 people with intellectual disabilities and their family members in attendance. There were several group trivia games and the grand finale of improv "Our Event Is The Best" presentations.

This year pre-recorded videos featuring SMILE participants were used to test the knowledge of the audience on a wide variety of LiveWorkPlay trivia topics. This included, for example, trying to remember what "SMILE" stands for! (Self-advocacy and More for Independent Living and Employment, in case you were wondering).
The wildest time of the night came at the end when teams of tables were handed a variety of random props that they were to use in promoting a particular LiveWorkPlay event that they were assigned. The results were very imaginative and most important contributed to the ongoing sense of belonging in the LiveWorkPlay community.
Registration for the annual Engines of Success Recognition Banquet is already underway. We've moved to a new venue at the Hampton Inn Ottawa Conference Centre, and the event will take place on the evening of Thursday, June 26, at 6:00 PM. Advance registration is required. 
Invitations have already gone out to volunteers and other special guests, including dozens of community partners. The evening will also feature the opportunity for Journeys and SMILE participants to share some of their accomplishments of the year. It's been a great year for many individuals in realizing significant life goals, so get your ticket today and show your support!
A quick thank you goes out to organizers and participants in The Hill Charity Golf Classic, which run by an independent committee of volunteers committed to raising funds to benefit the needs of youth in the National Capital Region. The committee has contributed $2000 to LiveWorkPlay.TAKING OUR MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE
LiveWorkPlay is in the process of creating a public service message intended to generate awareness about outdated beliefs and attitudes regarding people with intellectual disabilities. In addition to a professional producer, writer, and director, the production will involve a half dozen actors recruited from SMILE. 
The shoot is scheduled for May 8 at a variety of locations in the Ottawa community. The goal is to have the made-for-TV message ready to air in June, with a possible launch to coincide with Engines of Success on June 26 if not sooner. There will also be a special section of the new LiveWorkPlay website (also in current development) to provide more information to those visiting as a result of viewing the public service message. OOOT-TOO PART III UNDERWAY
Tim and Stephen moved in April 14 as the third pairing in the On Our Own Together Too transitional housing program, and they have already learned more new bus routes than both previous projects combined! It has been an impressive start, with fast-paced learning also taking place with regard to shopping and cooking.On Our Own Together Too is a transitional housing program that provides an opportunity for people with intellectual disabilities to practice living beyond the family home in an apartment setting. Thanks to a grant from the Community Foundation of Ottawa, a total of 18 participants will take party in OOOT-TOO over the next three years. LIVEWORKPLAY OPEN HOUSE REVIEW
The annual LiveWorkPlay Open House on April 11 was the place to be for those looking to gain insight into the programs, services, and underlying philosophies of the organization. There was a steady flow of visitors from 2:00-4:00pm. Representatives from SMILE were on hand to provide tours and answer questions alongside the staff team. Special thanks to Jennifer Harris, Jenny Dobson, Heather Wynn, and Melissa Ottway for making this event a big success. Click here to see pictures from this event.ROGER DODGER VOLLEYBALLFirst up is the fourth annual Roger Dodger volleyball tournament for LiveWorkPlay, hosted by the Albert family June 6-8 at the Perth Tent and Trailer Park. The
re is lots to do for fans and players alike, and supporters are welcome to attend all or part of the festivities. Contact Ron Albert for more information! SIGN UP FOR VISIONING DAY/POOL PARTY
June 21 is the annual LiveWorkPlay Visioning Day and Pool Party - a full Saturday of learning, sharing, eating, and fun! Advance registration is required.Visioning Day will be held at the Hampton In Ottawa at 9:00am sharp. We'll all leave straight from there for a BBQ feast at the pool party, which will once again be hosted by the Harris family. These are both free events - but Visioning Day is a pre-requisite for attending the pool party! First we work, then we party!
Although LiveWorkPlay is still awaiting approval as a prospective new member of Community Living Ontario, organizers of an annual gathering of representatives from the Eastern Ontario region invited LiveWorkPlay to attend the April 6 meeting in Alexandria.
Chair Wendy Mitchell, President Julie Kingstone, and CEO Keenan Wellar all took part in the interesting discussions that ranged from the role of people with intellectual disabilities in local and provincial bodies to a discussion about the new Community Living Ontario logo and promotional campaign.
LiveWorkPlay staff members will travel to Markham to take part in the annual Community Living Ontario conference June 11-13 and their AGM that follows on June 14. The entire LiveWorkPlay community is encouraged to attend, it's a great opportunity to catch up on important trends. This year's theme is Citizenship! LWP GEAR IS HERE
It was a long time coming, but the new LiveWorkPlay gear is finally here, and although the first batch is almost sold out, we are just about ready to submit a new order. If you want in on it, please get your order in asap! Click here to see samples of LiveWorkPlay gear! SHOW YOUR SUPPORT
After reading this blog you may find yourself wondering how it is possible that so much can be happening with a small organization like LiveWorkPlay. It takes a combination of dedicated volunteers, staff, board members, families, and community
partners to make it happen. And it also takes money, of which there is simply never enough. LiveWorkPlay has a very short list of personal donors, but you can help change that! Making a donation has never been easier - it can be done as a single contribution, or better still via a monthly deduction. Just $8.33 per month results in a donation of $100 a year! You can also donate to LiveWorkPlay in the name of another person as a tribute or as a gift. Please visit our donation page to set up your contribution today! NEW! LiveWorkPlay is now registered as a Cause on Facebook. Click here to show your support for LiveWorkPlay or to make a contribution. We hope you have enjoyed this 18th edition of LiveWorkPlayNews. If you have received an email about this blog in error and/or you would prefer not to receive future LiveWorkPlayNews messages, simply click here and follow the simple instructions. That same web page can also be used by newcomers who would like to join LiveWorkPlayNews, so feel free to share the address with friends, colleagues, and family who might like to subscribe.